Social Media in Aesthetic Surgery – initiated by Dr. Sixtus Allert
Today, we would like to recommend this exciting Social Media event, initiated by Dr. Sixtus Allert, to you.
The medical industry is still hesitating to fully embrace Social Media – mostly due to fears, that privacy concerns would not be adressed properly. On the other side, there are missed opportunities to gain valuable insights into the world of patients and cooperation partners.
But how do the renommated speakers of the conference do look at the topics evolving around Social Media?
Find out in Berlin at the Conference on the 18th of March 2023 starting at 9 am in the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Luisenstraße 58/59, Berlin-Mitte.
This is the website of the event:
You may find the programm as PDF here.
Our Thank You goes out to Dr. Sixtus Allert for this first class initiative and to our distributor SaleoMed who will represent Human Med in the field of industrial exhibitions.
Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash