Latest Past Events

53. annual conference of the DGPRÄC, 27. annual conference of the VDÄPC

From Thu. 14. to Sat. 16. of September 2023, the 53. annual conference of the DGPRÄC and the 27. annual conference of the VDÄPC will take place in Heidelberg, Germany. We will be there and are already looking forward to the exchange! Photo: María López Jorge on Unsplash

ISAPS Olympiad Athens World Congress 2023

From Thu. 31. of August to Sat. 02. of September 2023, the ISAPS Olympiad Athen World Congress 2023 will take place in Athens, Greece. We will host a lunch symposium, more information will follow soon. Photo: Spencer Davis on Unsplash

46. annual meeting of the BCG

On Thu. 31. August and Fr. 01. September 2023, the 48. annual meeting of the BCG (Vereinigung der Chirurgen Berlins und Brandenburgs / Berliner Chirurgische Gesellschaft) will take place in Berlin, Germany.Find all the relevant information on Florian Wehde on Unsplash

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