Are you a surgeon performing liposuction and/or fat grafting on a daily basis? If so, please mind and try to decrease the risk of developing vibration related injuries in hand and arm …


With the article “Bad Vibrations” the Safety and Health Magazine, for example, suggests to alternate between vibrating and non-vibrating tools. To draw parallels to the liposuction field comes natural. So have you ever considered to try out Human Med’s Waterjet-Assisted Liposuction (WAL) based devices? You will be surprised …


Each medical condition needs an adequate treatment – the same is true for liposuction procedures: a patient affected by level 3 lipoedema, just to mention a severe condition, might need a liposuction procedure that lasts longer than one or two hours. WAL, as an alternative to a vibrating device, would allow longer surgery time without putting too much strain on surgeon’s hand and arm.


The topic around “vibration related injuries” seems to become more and more popular among scientists. In the preliminary report “Vibration Exposure Safety Guidelines for Surgeons Using Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)” published by Oxford University Press, Dr. Chaowen Wu and his colleagues determined the vibration exposure from the utilization of a PAL device during surgery and formulated recommendations for safe use.


Sources considered for this post:


“Vibration and Its Effects on the Body” (2003) by Halim Issever, Cihan Aksoy, Hilmi Sabuncu, Ayse Karan – Dpts. of Public Health and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, Turkey