CME-endorsed Lipedema seminar in Dubai

On Friday, 14. October a live seminar regarding the Lipedema will take place in Dubai with Dr. Timm Wolter in cooperation with Dr. Sanjay Parashar and the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS).       Facebook Page of EPSS:   Dr. Timm Instagram profile: Sanjay Instagram Page:   EPSS Instagram Page: [...]

CME-endorsed Lipedema seminar in Dubai2022-10-07T11:23:39+02:00

WAL Workshop at the Emirates Hospital in Dubai

A big thank you to the team of the Emirates Hospital and medical consultant Ahmad Ali for the time dedicated to the WAL related workshop on September 15th in beautiful Dubai. You guys rock!

WAL Workshop at the Emirates Hospital in Dubai2022-09-16T15:10:54+02:00

First Lipedema Day in Dubai

On Friday 05. March 2022, the First Lipedema Day Dubai, organised by the LipoClinic Dr. Heck takes place, titled "Lipedema - A disease that everyone sees and hardly anyone knows ". Also in Arab speaking countries lipedema has been a often undetected, painful reality for many women - reason enough now to create awareness related [...]

First Lipedema Day in Dubai2022-03-25T13:36:41+01:00

Waterjet-assisted technology at the Valiant Clinic in Dubai

A big thank you to the teams of Dr. Adnan Tahir, Dr. Martain Loonen and Dr. Rory B. McGoldrick from Valiant Clinic in Dubai for using the technology of the worldwide patented waterjet-assisted liposuction technique (WAL). And of course our thank you goes also to Product Consultant Mohamed E. Attia for his field efforts and [...]

Waterjet-assisted technology at the Valiant Clinic in Dubai2022-03-15T11:35:51+01:00
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