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body-jet® Education Center – Live Masterclass Workshop

17. Oktober 2024

body-jet® Education Center: Live Masterclass Workshop with Water-jet Assisted Liposuction (WAL), Autologous Fat Transfer and Hydrodissection by Dr. Kai O. Kaye.

Embark on a transformative learning journey with Dr. Kai O. Kaye in his exclusive masterclass sessions on Liposuction, Fat Transfer, and Hydrodissection. Dr. Kaye, a distinguished expert in the field, invites you to delve into the art and science of body contouring, exploring innovative techniques and advancements in liposuction, precise fat transfer methodologies, and the application of hydrodissection technology with the WAL method and the body-jet® system.

Elevate your expertise, refine your skills, and stay at the forefront of aesthetic procedures with Dr. Kai O. Kaye’s unparalleled insights during live surgeries and at the Ocean Clinic. In between surgeries there will be time to discuss the individual cases and procedures.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your practice and deliver exceptional results.

Location: The Ocean Clinic in Marbella, Spain

Register here:

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17. Oktober 2024
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